Monday, January 11, 2016

On Myths.

One of the most frustrating aspects in talking about ED's with those who are not familiar with them are myths. I have heard, time and time again, many myths surrounding ED's. Part of my blog will be to shed some insight and knowledge on these myths. The first myth I will tackle is the belief that an ED is a choice.

No one, and I repeat NO ONE can choose to have an ED. And ED is not a choice. It is an illness stemming often from some combination of bioloical, psychological and social factors. In other words, an ED manifests as a result of underlying issues- some of which are beyond a person's control. Regardless of the cause, though, an ED differs from going on a drastic diet. Someone cannot simply decide they want to loose a lot of weight and just develop an ED.

The ED differs from a diet because it is a voice inside of your head. The ED voice constantly demands you to starve. It tells you if you mess up on the food restriction, that you are a failure. You can't turn it off like you can with a diet. The ED is in control and not you. It is a constant, exhausting battle in your head: your voice vs. that of the ED. Even if you intellectually know in your right mind that you should eat, the ED's voice is stronger and it will tell you that starving is the only answer. The ED voice will tell you that if you just listen to him, that everything will be okay.

But you cannot choose to have the ED. The ED comes out of the woodwork without warning. It isn't logical. It isn't pleasant. It is anything but pleasant. The ED poses as your best friend with your best intetests at heart, but really its intentions are to harm you. And it will do anything in its power to do so.

So if ever you hear someone talking about wanting to have an ED, do yourself and them a favor. Tell them that an ED is NOT a choice. That an ED is NOT something you want to have. That an ED is an illness and if you don't have one, you shouldn't choose to either.

ED. (Emma Demar)

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